Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Very Own Boston Marathon!

After reading about the Boston Marathon for the past week, we decided to have our very own Salisbury Middle School Marathon.

The class started by learning all about the marathon in our News-2-You newspaper article. We watched a PowerPoint with pictures of Mrs. Grunden's dad running the Boston Marathon in 2003 and 2004. We got to see the pictures of his medals, too.
Ms. Mitchell ran a half marathon, so she brought in her shirts and "bibs," which we learned are the numbers that each runner wears.

Logan and Karoline trying on Ms. Mitchell's
 racing shirts and bibs

We all made our own bibs to wear in the marathon. We put our lucky numbers on them. Alexis even drew a four-leaf clover for good luck! Michael drew a map of the course, Karoline brought in her lucky bunny, and Savannah brought in her lucky Justin Bieber bracelet.

The weather was beautiful, and we went out front with our bibs and our racing shoes on.
Runners take your places!

Logan finished first, but we were all winners!
We had so much fun, we raced three times! And we all cheered on our classmates.


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